How to 'Be Prepared' for that next disaster!

Your family has three choices:

Choice 1: You can do nothing.

This is the easiest choice because it requires no effort on your part, no outlay of cash, time or resources and follows the belief, "I'm going to let fate take its course".

Choice 2: You can decide to prepare at or just before the time of crisis. 

This choice assumes that you will be able to gather your resources 'on the fly' before the danger impacts you.  It assumes you will have everything you need to 'weather the storm' before the crisis actually impacts your family.  For example, with an oncoming hurricane your family my have close to 36 hours to prepare, yet the average time after a tornado warning siren is issued is only 10-15 minutes!  Those critical minutes before the crisis are so important! Those minutes should be used to react instead of trying to figure out what steps you need to take.

Choice 3: You can prepare in advance

You can have two plans in place at the time of crisis.  Plan 1 is to have your 'Shelter in Place resources' in place and Plan 2 is to have your 'Go Bag' ready to go. By having these two plans in place, you are 100% more prepared than the average family. Your survival from a potential danger(s) is significantly reduced with these two plans in place. In the case of a hurricane, prepared families have the option to grab their go bags and evacuate.  In the case of an oncoming tornado, families can grab their prepared shelter in place kit and hide in their designated shelter in place location, usually within 60 seconds (if practiced)!

Your choice? 

As is most things in life, choices are up to you. This blog and website has been created for those families that are going to make either Choice 2 or Choice 3. Good luck to those of you who take Choice 1. I believe that with a small investment of time and finances, you can better protect your family and your assets by being proactive and preparing for the worst. If the worst never happens, then your time and the resources you've invested in will not have been in vain, since those resources can always be consumed or used in the future. I commend those of you who are going to make Choice 3 and will "take action" to protect their family. It may be the most important 'choice' of your lifetime!

Does your family have an emergency communication plan for emergencies?  Take our Family Communications Test to find out how robust your communications plan is.  It's only 10 questions.
