The good news about preparing for disasters is that there are only two ‘basic’ preparedness strategies. In their simplest terms they are 1) “Should I stay?” or 2) “Should I go?” In more technical terms, the strategies are called 1) Shelter in Place Strategy and 2) the Evacuation Strategy. The strategy that you may need to use will depend upon a number of factors including the amount of advance notice of the threat, the potential severity of the disaster, the risk involved in choosing which strategy to use, as well as a number of other factors.

The preparedness solutions to addressing these strategies are either to build a ‘Bug Out or Go Kit’ and build or create a ‘Shelter in Place Kit’. Ideally, it is best to have both kits in place so you are prepared for either type of disaster. Either strategy involves preparing resources to build the appropriate kit. Hopefully, most families will have the recommended resource items already in their household. If not, you should be able to purchase missing items at your local stores or online. For ease of convenience, you can visit ‘Our Store’ on this website and conveniently order the already assembled  kits for your family and have them shipped directly to you.
